Poly Lumber Furniture

What is “Poly Lumber” Outdoor Furniture”? It’s outdoor furniture that is built with lumber that is made from recycled plastics. The plastics are recycled consumer and industrial plastics (i.e lots of #2 milk jugs, etc.) and come in a variety of colors. What are the advantages of using this material?

  • Essentially maintenance free, with exceptional resistance to moisture, fading, insects, splitting, warping and other hazards of environmental exposure common to wood or wood fiber composite products.
  • Requires no waterproofing, staining or other similar recurring maintenance other than an occasional powerwashing.
  • Unlike most wood and wood composite products that quickly fade when exposed to the weather, our Poly Lumber has no wood fibers, retains its vibrant look for years and may fade only slightly over its entire service life.
  • All hardware used is corrosion-resistant.

We have sold this material since 2000 with great success. Be advised that it does not have the same spanning strength as wood so on some longer spans you will notice aluminum channel stock is added for reinforcement. In shorter spans, the flexibility of the Poly Lumber material has actually been a design plus because it allows a seat slat to contour more to your body, developing a memory and resulting in a much more comfortable piece of furniture. Wood can’t do that!

For the purist we still can offer a variety of wood species in our outdoor furniture, but we strongly recommend you consider a purchase of the Poly Lumber Outdoor Furniture instead!

View Our Poly Lumber Outdoor Furniture